Media should focus on national consensus, peace and unity process

‘ Media’s practical purposes of educating, informing the people as well as its role of bridging the government and the governed had been far from being effective in Ethiopia. The use of... Read more »

Sticks in a bundle: unbreakable

The reform efforts that started seven or so months ago have reached a new height recently with the restructuring of the executive organ, reforming of the army and coming of strong personalities... Read more »

A new culture set-in to preserve with a transcending effect!

Time has changed! In today’s world, political dialogue has become the only viable option to promote individual and group interests. Unlike in the 1970-80’s, promoting political interests through powerful means has proven... Read more »

Today’s parties’ talks Must focus on solving the cause than symptoms

Today, with a view to discussing the current political challenges in the efforts to build prosperous and democratic Ethiopia, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed is holding direct talks with members of various... Read more »

A lady who proved worthy in the acid test of integrity

Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald More often than not,wranglings, clashes and bloodshed attend election results in most developing countries.... Read more »