US-Africa summit: Four things African leaders should try to get out of it

 US president Joe Biden will be hosting African leaders at this week’s summit, as a group. This has its advantages. The 50 African leaders have the opportunity to articulate their common interests... Read more »

 Copout in Cairo: ‘They’ just don’t care

BY GRAHAM PEEBLES As COP 27 drew to a pitiful close with no action on emissions of reparation, I met a friend in a cafe in West London. Distracted by our discussion,... Read more »

Peace is more than the absence of war

BY FITSUM GETACHEW Ever since the first days of the conflict in the north in November two years ago, there have been huge losses and massive destruction that followed the hostilities. A... Read more »

 Coming out of the conflict cycle

BY FITSUM GETACHEW Ethiopians cannot say they have been fortunate during the past several decades because the country was subjected to various forms of conflicts and wars that have claimed thousands of... Read more »

 COP27: Hope for climate financing springs forth from desert in Egypt

The huge shot in the arm for private-public partnerships and carbon markets should encourage climate activists Something significant is happening in the desert in Egypt as countries meet at COP27, the United... Read more »

 Real World Actors Share Progress and Strengthen Resolve at Opening of Global Climate Action Agenda at COP27

The COP26 and COP27 Presidents, the UNFCCC Executive Secretary and the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions for COP26 and COP27, Nigel Topping and Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, will open the Global Climate Action... Read more »

 PM Abiy Ahmed raises the bar for human rights in Ethiopia, the region

BY PD LAWTON The US State Department, the likes of Antony Blinken and Linda Thomas-Greenfield, do not see value in the human right to development, a higher standard of living and a... Read more »

Ethiopia: Peace is impossible while T-TPLF roams the land

BY GRAHAM PEEBLES As Ethiopians celebrated the New Year on 11 September, the T-TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation Front) issued a Stance on a Peaceful Resolution of the Current Conflict. Choking on hypocrisy... Read more »

Towards zero hunger in Africa: 5 steps to achieve food security

 Global food systems have been battered by overlapping crises in recent years. Key among these are the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russo-Ukraine war and extreme weather events resulting from climate change. These have... Read more »

 How digital can drive a green recovery

As much of the world was starting to glimpse recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, it now finds itself amid a cost-of-living crisis brought on by disruptions in global energy and food markets... Read more »