BRICS group’s emergence as a multipolar world system

The emergence of the BRICS group- Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa- portrays a new multi-polar world system, challenging the traditional dominance of the West. This shift significantly breaks from the... Read more »

 Grand factors that led to Ethiopia’s inclusion to BRICS

The 15th (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) BRICS Summit, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, passed different decisions. Accepting the membership proposals of an additional six countries is among the grand... Read more »

 From crisis to resilience: We need a new recipe to combat hunger

The fragile state of global food systems has reached a crossroads. Recent headlines underscore the profound challenges we now confront. The United Nations released sobering statistics that 122 million more people are... Read more »

 A common African approach to environmental challenges now, for the future

There has never been a time in human history when collaboration between nations was more sorely needed than now, and there is no place that would benefit more from it than in... Read more »

 Cutting food loss, waste is an opportunity to improve food security

With the ongoing global food crisis—triggered by the COVID pandemic, disasters, supply chain disruptions, and conflict in Ukraine—food security should be at the top of the G20 agenda when countries gather in... Read more »

Global community celebrates medical innovations, milestones since defining Leprosy discovery 150 years ago

 The 1873 discovery of Mycobacterium leprae, the causative agent of leprosy by Norwegian doctor Gerhard Armauer Hansen, remains one of the greatest paradigm shifts in medical history, a true revolution. “Before the... Read more »

 New machine learning-based model boosting Africa’s preparedness, response to climate change

Scientists have recently unveiled a first-ever weather forecasting model using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning solutions to help vulnerable African countries build resilience to climate impacts. Researchers from the Kigali-based African... Read more »

Covering Ethiopia with greenery

 July 17, 2023 could be scripted as part of a new chapter of modern day Ethiopia, an extraordinary day or milestone on which half a billion tree seedlings have been planted in... Read more »

 Ethiopia’s commitment to regional collaboration in fair utilization of the Nile Waters

Ethiopia is championing for the fair and equal utilization of Nile River waters, as it deems it to be a crucial step in revolutionizing the ties between countries residing along the river.... Read more »

The need for more funding, especially to women, towards climate adaptation goals

 There is a significant funding gap for climate adaptation – especially for women. Public financing will not be sufficient to close this gap, but it will be crucial for supporting the most... Read more »