Due attention for funding COVID-19 prevention in developing countries

It is well known that developing countries run short finance for development purposes. To add sore on a wound, COVID-19 has come up with its own burden of funding. According to World... Read more »

Concealing culpability: pure conspiracy manifestation behind

For anyone who has been analyzing Ethiopia’s development and being ready to emancipate itself from the state of underdeveloped and any bias could be in a passion to witnesses the reality on... Read more »

Impact of policies and laws in Eastern Africa climate change

East Africa consists largely of plateaus and has most of the highest elevations in the continent. The two most striking highlands are in Ethiopia and Kenya, respectively, where large areas reach elevations... Read more »

Ethiopians have won global confidence

Despite some minor differences for various reasons, Ethiopians have always glued themselves whenever bad times come. A number of organizations in different parts of the world and Ethiopians residing abroad and friends... Read more »

“Together, we shall overcome”

Day after day our screens are filled with harrowing images of hospitals overrun, lines of people waiting desperately for a hospital bed or oxygen for a loved one. As the number of... Read more »

No country remains immune unless vaccine inequality curbed

In the present climate, the distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccination are improving in the developed nations that have strong economy and production capacity. Owing to their economic muscle, developed nations have... Read more »

Did Ethiopia’s ancient realm cover Southern Atlantic Ocean?

 “The Atlantic Ocean was known as Ethiopian Ocean until the 19th century,” reads text on a graphic posted on Instagram last month. It includes what looks like a part of an old... Read more »

No one is safe until all of us are safe: Overcoming vaccine inequality

Nowadays, vaccines inequality is being manifested between developing and developed nations on the grounds that producers give prominence to the latter with a view to ending the COVID-19 pandemic at the earliest... Read more »

Empowering youth, women in renewable energy sector

The African energy sector needs the increased role of women and young people. Recently, the Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa Foundation (RES4Africa) and Ethiopian Women in Energy (EWiEn) signed a Memorandum of... Read more »

The world breaths again as justice or George Floyd’s served

BY ADDISALEM MULAT Following the killing of George Floyd, an African-American man, by former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin had broken the hearts of all and sundry worldwide. On the grounds of... Read more »