Attack on northern command of ENDF: Ethiopia’s Modern Day Pearl Harbor

Even though the terrorist TPLF group is being hammered by the Ethiopian forces on all war fronts, it has continued unleashing its carnage on unarmed civilians in the Amhara and Afar states.... Read more »

Ethiopia’s destiny is linked indissolubly to African destiny

What is currently going on in Ethiopia is to the say the least very disturbing. Ethiopians are struggling not only against their own homemade enemies, compatriots, but also against aliens who are... Read more »

Defying the West’s incoherent foreign policy at global stage

As Ethiopia is going through defining time confronting its longtime foe, the terrorist TPLF group, some western countries have been standing on the wrong side of history. The West has been putting... Read more »

Joint OCHA, EHRC report should awaken international community to act rationally towards Ethiopia

BY ADDISALEM MULAT Recent developments have shown the world that the terrorist TPLF group has been bewildering the international community with cooked-up stories working in collaboration with some humanitarian agencies and some... Read more »

Making the UN nonpartisan

BY ADDISALEM MULAT As the United Nations Day marked colorfully in various parts of the world, calls for more rational and nonpartisan approaches have grown on international bloc. As a founding member... Read more »

Escalating fears of external actors hijacking Sudan’s internal politics

BY DARGIE KAHSAY Following the military takeover in Sudan, which dissolved the civilian rule of the sovereign council of Sudan’s Transitional Government on Monday, a lot of concerns and statements are flooding... Read more »

Terrorist TPLF’s grave crimes in the face of global silence

As the people of Ethiopia were under the iron feast rule of the terrorist TPLF group for nearly three decades, the latter were persistently turning the lives of the former into a... Read more »

Youth climate leaders preparing to voice ahead of COP 26

A group of young leaders under the Climate Leadership Initiative, established to empower young change-makers from the world’s most vulnerable developing countries, wrote an article entitled “Why the climate change negotiations cannot... Read more »

When so-called ‘saving a country’ missions go wrong

The world is witnessing humanitarian imperialism in which developed countries impose their interests in less developed countries on the pretext of humanitarian aid. Rich countries through their servant humanitarian agencies and rights... Read more »

Nations climate commitment through NDCs

It is generally agreed that climate is a global good. It does not have a border. As a result, when one part of the world causes damage to climate the impact will... Read more »