Ethiopia’s grand challenges, opportunities till 2050

conference themed with “Ethiopia 2050: Grand Challenges and Opportunities” will be opened on December 19-20 at Skylight Hotel, in Addis Ababa. While briefing journalists here on Thursday, the organizers composed of five... Read more »

Improving Agricultural productivity via ACC approach

Agricultural based economy is one of the strategies of Ethiopian government. Using agriculture as a means the government is trying its best to speed up its economic growth and realize food security.... Read more »

Digital Health Activity to improve health system, quality of services

Recently, USAID in partnership with the Minister of Health announced the launch of a new USAID Digital Health Activity (DHA) to continue investments in digital information solutions further strengthen the country’s health... Read more »

Public-private partnership in Ethiopia’s health sector

Last week, Addis Ababa Private Health Facilities Employers’ Association (AAPHEA) in collaboration with stakeholders hosted the first international health exhibition and conference at Millennium Hall. The three days event aimed at narrowing... Read more »

Enhancing livestock productivity through improved technology and medical care

Ethiopia’s varied agro ecological zones put the country at an advantageous position in possessing relatively huge number of different livestock species as compared to other African countries. And the country, as source... Read more »

Local currency market to promote investment

The financial sector reform is amongst the major approach considered in the country’s homegrown reform agenda. The reform agenda that the nation has already embarked is said to go in line with... Read more »

Trillion new trees to absorb 20 years’ greenhouse gas emissions

Tree planting is capturing the minds of those who look for fast climate action. Few months ago, the Ethiopian Government announced a new world record: thousands of volunteers planted 353 million trees... Read more »

Expanding saving base, secures finance for investment

Savings have been shown to have a positive impact on economic growth at the macroeconomic level. But, the micro-level analysis of households’ savings behavior is limited, especially in Sub-Saharan African economies. Why... Read more »

Stakeholders taking an action on achieving SDG, avoiding open defecation

Open defecation is serious problem in Ethiopia that causes environmental pollution, various diseases and finally leads to death. The country has taken some measurable actions to solve the problem over the past... Read more »

Ethiopia on the way to digital economy

Technological advancement is becoming the most determinant on socio-economic activities. For most countries, digital economy driven by technological revolution has become key agenda to transform their economic structure. Digitalization has been growing... Read more »