Unimaginative cosmopolitan cities invasion

According to World Bank report in the area of Ethiopia urban review during the last fiscal years, Ethiopia has lagged behind in the activity of urban expansion, which is a cornerstone to... Read more »

Promising steps with road infrastructure

The multifaceted economic stride of a nation relies on productive and highly trainable human power, effective industrialization, strong local and foreign direct investment, sound service delivery, sophisticated and modern infrastructural facilities among... Read more »

The nexus between widening market and industrial development

 History shows us that few countries reached high level of socio-economic d e v e l o p m e n t without successfully achieving industrialization. The link between inclusive industrialization and... Read more »

Overview of GTP II midterm macroeconomic performances

The major macroeconomic policy objectives and targets of GTP II for the fiscal year 2016/17 were footed on four major pillars. These are: firstly, maintaining a double – digit annual economic growth... Read more »

Quality education key to all-round development and progress

Ethiopia’s all round backwardness is basically caused by poor-quality education and training. This fundamental cause has in turn given rise to poor political, economic and social leadership, unsuitable and inefficient institutions, an... Read more »

The City Resilience Framework: Epicenter for urban development

Addis Ababa was founded hundred seventeen years ago; the city has emerged first as a garrison town and then become permanent seat of central government since its foundation chartered in 1886. As... Read more »

Electronic trading expansion promotes credible, transparent transaction

Electronic trading system is used for the credibility and transparency of the market. In addition, the system will help get fast service and access all the necessary data easily. The system can... Read more »

“The fact that we [Africa] still had cholera cases in 2018 is an embarrassment”, Anne Mutta, Multi-Country Programme Manger for Sustainable Hygiene, Sanitation

Anne Mutta, is Multi-Country Programme Manger for Sustainable Hygiene and Sanitation for all project. The project addresses rural sanitation, and is implemented across six countries in Africa and Nepal. Sub-Saharan Africa countries... Read more »

Ethiopia: Cultivating competitive human development

Researches show that the economic growth across several African economies is largely ‘job-less’. Youth un employment remains a component of Africa’s growth owing to persistent low productivity and underemployment in the informal... Read more »

Revisiting Ethiopia’s GTP II midterm manufacturing performance

The objective of the manufacturing sub-sector in the Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II), which encompasses 2015/16 -2019/2020 fiscal years, is centered to make Ethiopia a leading light industries manufacturing hub... Read more »