Gullele Botanic Garden, exhibit of native species

Ethiopia, the land of extremes, is one of the richest countries across the globe to be home of highly diversified plant species. Its rigorous topography ranging from the lowest point, Dalol, to... Read more »

Promoting Railway interconnections

Railway infrastructure is becoming one of the fundamental parts of the economic infrastructure in Ethiopia. According to the Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) Midterm Review Report the Railway sector is... Read more »

Solutions for delays in construction industry

A survey conducted by the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction indicated that land provision constraints, environmental impacts, poor designing, input and foreign currency shortages and low capacity of contractors are the... Read more »

Best practices of CASCAPE

( From MOA ) CASCAPE is one of the four programs under BENEFIT partnership that was established in 2011. It is supported by Dutch government that is actively working at the four... Read more »

A Currency Change Rumor Which May Materialize

The Rumor Doing the Rounds in Addis At present, it is rather difficult to ascertain the veracity of the rumor that Abiy’s government is considering a currency change to neutralize cash hoards... Read more »

No growth without commercializing innovation and technology

As many scholars appealed, the world has no choice to grow without science and technology. And countries that understand this reality have attached due attention to science and technology sectors. Like many... Read more »

Crop collection, protection to enhance industrialization

Ethiopia has been striving to transform the agricultural-led economy to an industry-led one and has been performing various activities toward this end. As a result of these, the nation’s agricultural products and... Read more »

The boom in Ethiopian fashion industry

Most people consider fashion as something relating to styles of clothing, and more or less as tool for consumerism to take firm foothold. In reality, fashion has a much broader meaning; it... Read more »

Quality infrastructure to enhance export trade competitiveness

Low level of quality infrastructure development is one of the main challenges in boosting export. Ethiopia’s exporters face huge challenges to join the global market due to shortage of quality infrastructure. Since... Read more »

ECA’s 60 years of journey

On the 17th of December 2018, the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has celebrated 60 years of promoting the continent’s economic and social development. Established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)... Read more »