Benefitting farmers from agricultural value chain

Agriculture is the mainstay of a large proportion of the population and economic development for Ethiopia. For this end the government is working strenuously to bring about rapid economic development by enhancing... Read more »

Nurturing habits of buying local products

Basazin Assefa, a customer who frequently chooses to buy local footwear brands says, “Ethiopians need to feel proud for using their domestic products. They should be proud of the trademark Made in... Read more »

Ensuring efficient wetland conservation

Environment, Forest and Climate change Commission in collaboration of Wetlands International Regional Office in Nairobi organized a workshop this week in Addis Ababa. The program aimed at validating the research outcomes of... Read more »

The need to advance national accreditation

 Ethiopia has secured 2.1 billion Dollars from export trade during the fiscal year underway. However, due to low quality of products, the country also lost a huge amount of income for disqualification... Read more »

IDA: An Association behind development

The International Development Association (IDA) is an international financial institution which offers concessional loans and grants to developing countries. It is also a member of the World Bank Group. The Association assists... Read more »

 Investment is expanding, much to be done yet  “There has been a growing evidence of the link between investment and economic growth,” Kurabachew Menber, Lecturer at Dire Dawa University in the Department... Read more »

Sorrow amidst promising economic performance in Africa

The last one reform year has brought hope and optimism among Ethiopians. The people of Ethiopia home and abroad heard the attack and death on late Army Chief of Staff Seare Mekonnen... Read more »

The steadfastness, unity of the defense force surpass recurrent challenges

Last Saturday’s failed coup attempt in Bahir Dar, Amhara State Capital, has saddened and shocked most Ethiopians. Though it was a failed attempt, the coup caused the loss of time tested higher... Read more »

Advancing manufacturing sector to generate foreign currency

Ethiopia’s spending on imports has been growing from time to time. On the contrary, the income from exports has been decreasing over the past several years from around 3.1 billion USD in... Read more »

Reinforcing coffee export

Legend has it that coffee was first exported out of Ethiopia to Yemen by Somali merchants from Berbera. In addition, Mocha, which was the center of the coffee trade for much of... Read more »