TPLF died of self –inflicted gunshot

BY AHMED MOHAMMED (Part I)  Shortly after TPLF ambushed and massacred the unsuspecting troops of ours, Ethiopia reacted sadly, angrily and patriotically, a very swift response of a hundred million plus citizens,... Read more »

Credible diplomacy pays off

MENGESHA AMARE Since the world is becoming a small village due to the impact of globalization, the connection of countries with one another is most of the time umpired through conglomerates in... Read more »

The need for EU Parliament to fact check its recent Statement

BY SOLOMON DIBABA The recent one sided statement by the European Parliament utterly failed to consider the reality on the ground in Ethiopia and has categorically tampered with the country’s sovereign rights... Read more »

The end of the TPLF Junta is finally within sight

BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME From the day one of its inception, TPLF junta has been a cold-hearted killer through orchestrating various massacres across the country and terrorizing the public at large. During the... Read more »

Security Sector Reform: The building of non-partisan ENDF

BY ZEKARIAS WOLDEMARIAM For years, the Ethiopian defense forces have played a big role in safeguarding the sovereignty of the country. When the past administration plunged into political crisis, they have played... Read more »

Accomplishing law enforcement operation with flying colors

BY ADDISALEM MULAT Following the TPLF junta officials’ propaganda, nobody had expected the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) would complete the law enforcement operation that has been taking place in the state... Read more »

The Significance of Ethiopia’s stance on the Nile

The way the facts of the past few weeks regarding Ethiopia’s stance on the usage of the Nile waters developed can never be stressed enough. These are very crucial days for Ethiopians... Read more »

The housing saga: Plights, way forward

When the Addis Ababa City Administration embarked on launching a new genre of shared resident housing project a.k.a Condominium Houses in 2004, residents were not overwhelmed at first. This might have caught... Read more »

Factors behind Ethiopia’s recent multi-dimensional diplomatic successes

In expressing my views on the recent diplomatic successes Ethiopia has managed to attain, I thought to summarize the main raisons d’etre behind the best practices into four categories. The first is... Read more »

The bounds of freedom of expression

We usually hear the expression that a democracy cannot be built without a robust and independent press or we can say the media in general. But we can also say that no... Read more »