The test of time for UNSC to promote justice, equity and rectify the unjust practices in the transboundary water resources utilization

BY SEMU MOGES (Water Resources Professional Engineer, Ph.D.) On Thursday, the 7th of July, 2021, United Nations Security Council is to hold an extraordinary meeting regarding Ethiopia’s massive hydroelectric dam known as... Read more »

Illicit financial flows

BY GETACHEW MINAS Illicit financial flows out of Ethiopia are not well researched. This situation calls for more research on the mechanisms used for capital flight to better understand the measures that... Read more »

Historical points in the sixth general elections of Ethiopia

BY DIRRIBA TESHOME Have you ever heard a nation in which a political party leader got the right to candidacy being in prison? In the history of political elections anywhere in the... Read more »

Natural Sciences help an economy grow; Social Sciences make a country survive!

 BY WOSSENSEGED ASSEFA  “The fundamental purpose of education is to bring about civilization. The word (ስልጣኔ) civilization came from the root word (ስልጣን) authority or power. The purpose of education is therefore... Read more »

India should stand with developing

BY D.RAJA ( At the recent G7 outreach summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi pitched for “One Earth, One Health”. This is ironic since he was non-committal for the longest time in ensuring... Read more »

Target audiences of terrorist TPLF remnants in their crafty lies and schemes- Which target are you?

BY DEJEN RAS & GHIONAWIW BEDILU  What is a target audience? Wikipedia de­fines it as the intended audience or read­ership of a publication, advertisement, or other message catered specifically to say intended... Read more »

Ethiopia to TPLF: No More Free Lunch

BY JEFF PEARCE Part Two I have a few humble suggestions. What Should Be Done? The U.S., Britain and EU have been screaming until our ears bleed about “unfettered access” and rescuing... Read more »

Remarks made on July 2, 2021 by Amb. Taye Atskeselassie, Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the UN

Mr. President let me begin by congratulating you for assuming the presidency of the Security Council for the month. I assure you of my delegation’s full support. Mr. President, my country Ethiopia... Read more »

Contradictory stances of the western powers on Ethiopia’s unilateral ceasefire in Tigray

BY SOLOMON DIBABA The Ethiopian government declared an unconditional unilateral truce in Tigray to facilitate for a conductive farming season and as a gesture to enable easy access to relief supplies for... Read more »

Ethiopia to TPLF: No More Free Lunch

 BY JEFF PEARCE Part One In 2015, while the war with ISIS was still going on, I had the opportunity to visit a Peshmerga base where I leaned on sandbags, and my... Read more »