A united mission on multiple fronts to defeat TPLF

BY FITSUM GETACHEW At the present moment, all the talk in Ethiopia seems to be the urgency of coming together to face the grave danger the country is threatened by. The perception... Read more »

Children in thebattlefield

BY JOSEPH SOBOKA First and foremost, children, by definition, are recently born human beings such as boys or girls. Since they have not yet attained maturity, they are not expected to bear... Read more »

“International communities should have the gut to call spade is a spade

BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME After the downfall of the military Derg regime, Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) came to power and had put in place ethnic federalism that undermined people’s individual rights. The... Read more »

A Statement by FDRE Office of the Prime Minister on Current Affairs and a National Call made on August 10, 2021, Addis Ababa

 Our country Ethiopia has maintained its independence and sovereignty by overcoming the challenges of the past and all the forces of evil that have engaged us. Our heroic mothers and fathers have... Read more »

Humanitarianism: Pseudonym of intervention

BY KFLEEYESUS ABEBE In times of prolonged conflicts or war, it might seem right to intervene and stop more bloodshed and humanitarian catastrophe. There were many cases the international community pressured warring... Read more »

China steps up vaccine outreach with new global push

BY ANANTH KRISHNAN China’s declaration this week that it would provide 2 billion doses of vaccines to the world by year-end marks a stepped up effort by Beijing to take the lead... Read more »

ETHIO-CHINA relations – temporary disguise or a far going alliance

 BY YOSEF FREW MEKONNEN While China is becoming a growing major power in the global politics, also major reaches of her hands is becoming visibly seen in the naturally rich and resourceful... Read more »

Three reasons why the WEST is not standing against terrorist TPLF

 BY DEJEN RAS & YINAGER BEWUKETU The WEST is biased when it comes to its dealing with TPLF, a group labeled as terrorist by the Ethiopian parliament in May 2021. The question... Read more »

Abebech Gobena, Ethiopian humanitarian known as ‘Mother Teresa of Africa

BY WASHINGTONPOST Abebech Gobena, who escaped a forced marriage as a child bride and became one of the most prominent humanitarians in her native Ethiopia, building an orphanage, schools, a hospital for... Read more »

Terrorist TPLF’s economic sabotage and vandalism on Ethiopia

BY SOLOMON DIBABA  Terrorist TPLF is at the last ditch of its attempts to disintegrate Ethiopia into fragmented principalities that could provide it with an excellent opportunity to spread its reign of... Read more »