It is the time for Africa to lift its population out of poverty via wise utilization of its natural resources

The World Bank has dispatched a bulletin of 2022 on opportunities and challenges of trade of African countries, how the market could be accessed in troubled times and the remedy to resolve... Read more »

Ethiopia comes better regarding mining sector

Currently Ethiopia faces bigger challenges in which it had ever experience in its long history. However, the country has never lost any hope to get solution and the people also remain optimist.... Read more »

The war underway in the northern part of Ethiopia, its impingement on the economy

The Ethiopian Defense Force has made the punitive action against the terrorist TPLF in Tigray that is lasted for over 8 months so far. As per it was disclosed by the Prime... Read more »

Capitalizing on homegrown economy: The best way out of dependency

Ethiopia has begun applying a number of strategies aiming at augmenting local capacity thereby building homegrown economy to see off dependency syndrome since the recent reform. This move in turn requires the... Read more »

Industrial parks stimulating investment, creating massive job opportunities

Ethiopia prioritizes the idea of developing massive Industrial Parks (IPs) aimed at promoting industrialization and substantial amount of job opportunities creation for the growing number of the educated youth population. The development... Read more »

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Promising to transform Ethiopia from growth to development

Ethiopia’s economy has been regarded as an agrarian economy for long. Agriculture still contributes the largest share in the economy but recently, other sectors are also taking roots in the economy. Foreign... Read more »

Booming city’s economy undamental for national growth

The universal economic account model concepts and tools are used to define what is to be measured and how the national economy is measured. The conceptual framework in the international guidelines serves... Read more »

AI in a way to create digital economic growth

 Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technique which enables machines to mimic human behavior. Half a century is passed as AI has laid its foundation stone to play its technological significance for the... Read more »

Stabilizing the macro economy to break through the rocky road

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS The effect of the macro economic instability manifested itself in various forms and among others, unemployment, imbalance in trade, scarcity of hard currency and inflation can be mentioned. The... Read more »

Fastening on new money creation a way for booming economy

BY HIZKEL HAILU Economists believe that many investors in Ethiopia seem to prefer investing their wealth on the service sectors than manufacturing. They also agree that private banks are also striving for... Read more »