Banks’ achievement in profit-making signs the healthy aspect of the economy

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS In Ethiopia, unlike other sectors, the rate of financial sectors profit is increasing. Even though the nation finds itself in sever socio-economic crises and faced external pressure, the growth... Read more »

Free Trade Zone: An awakening signal for Ethiopia’s economy

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU As time goes by, people need to adapt the new and updated way to handle things. The world has gone far in creating better mechanisms to assist the daily... Read more »

Efforts of Ethiopia to increase coffee marketability

BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME Ethiopia is the home of Arabica and the world’s fifth largest Coffee producer. At the same time it is the biggest producer in Africa. Almost 50% of the Ethiopian... Read more »

Commercial banks’ superb role for nation’s economic growth

BY HIZKEL HAILU  Ethiopia’s banking industry is superficially supporting Ethiopia’s economy. However, the country is encountered with different natural and human made snags. And of course, this sector has been growing and... Read more »

GERD’s second turbine power generation:key input for national economic growth, regional integration

BY HIZKEL HAILU It was learnt that the national flagship project, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam /GERD/ has successfully commenced initial power generation trial since last six months. And yesterday it was... Read more »

 Technology- assisted platforms for easy, effective financial system

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU In the world of globalization, technology plays the key role in connecting and making life easy to the people of the world. In this regard, companies that are working... Read more »

 Due attention for levying property taxation

 BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS Recently, the government of Ethiopia announced that it intends to collect property tax all over the country and put direction regarding the implementation. As to the direction, a person... Read more »

 Ethiopia: The next dominant wheat exporter

 BY TEWODROS KASSA Different sources indicate that wheat is among the leading food ingredient in today’s world. The supply of wheat would play a fundamental role in the global market and to... Read more »

Ethiopia’s macroeconomic achievement; indicator for nation’s remarkable growth

 BY HIZKEL HAILU According to documents from Office of The Prime Minister, Ethiopia’s economy has registered a decade of rapid and stable growth. Real GDP growth has averaged about 10 percent over... Read more »

Global competence outweighs mere performances for Ethiopian banks

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU The Economic dynamics in the Ethiopian banking sector has been traveling in a similar momentum where there is no battle ground where the economic sectors confront each other and... Read more »