A corporation achieved encouraging results amid multifold tests

BY BACHA ZEWDIE The development of industrial parks is one of the activities that the government has focused on that will contribute to the realization of the economic structural transformation. Apart from... Read more »

Summer wheat production: An exemplary practice beyond meeting local demand

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU It is reported that Ethiopia has not used its untapped resources though there are plenty to be exploited. Its natural and human resources could be used as a spring... Read more »

Ethiopia’s efforts in digitalizing the finance sector

BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME It is no longer an option to stick to old analogue ways and manual habits for any industry, including the financial services sector. And for those looking to improve... Read more »

Stabilizing price hike of construction inputs impetus to sector’s healthy move

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS It is understood that the construction sector is one of the sectors which is critically affected by the price hike of inputs. The sector plays pivotal role in the... Read more »

 Successes registered in the past fiscal year manifestation for capability of united Ethiopia

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU In this long and full of hardship period, Ethiopia has been going through a number of challenges and achievements. Needless to say, the nation is under a serious of... Read more »

Successes and challenges of the nation’s economic endeavor

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS The Ethiopian economy is predominantly agrarian and yet it is a means of living for 80 percent of the population. Sectors such as Industry and service are in their... Read more »

 The cost of orthopedics for war victims of limbs: The question that matters

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU Data shows that the ratio of orthopedic professionals was 2:100 million over the preceding years. Ethiopians have suffered from natural and manmade disasters of bone damage which end up... Read more »

Transforming agriculture a long way venture

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS In Ethiopia, agriculture was practiced since time immemorial in which food plants and animals had been domesticated earlier than other countries in the world. Agricultural tools also had been... Read more »

 “Made in Ethiopia Automotive”: Seemingly momentous approach for import substitution  BY HIZKEL HAILU Producers who are creating more capacity for the industrial sector as well as the national economy are incredibly increasing... Read more »

Technology- assisted services impact nation’s digital transformation

 BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU Currently, technology becomes one of the basic tools to modernize people’s way of life in the day to day base. As globalization advances new culture coupled with advanced communication... Read more »