Commitment in discovering Ethiopia’s wealth for growth

Ethiopia possessed abundant natural sources. In addition, it is endowed with man-made cultural assets being home for thirteen months of sunshine, its climate is also welcoming for all species of life but... Read more »

 Ethiopia will continue to be FDI destination

BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME It is crystal clear that the nation should attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in order to attain progress in its economy and get rid of poverty. Investment creates opportunities... Read more »

Fruits of the economic reform and some shortcomings

Despite political ups and downs in the last four years, the economic reform that took place has brought a glimpse of hope to the nation. The challenge the nation faced is not... Read more »

 Stabilizing the nation’s economy through implementing viable solutions

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU The queries on economy and inflation, now a day, have drawn the attention of every nation in the world. Various unrests around the globe put millions of lives into... Read more »

Curbing capital flight to boost the nation’s foreign currency reserve

BY ABEBE WOLDE GIORGIS Capital flight is a threatening phenomenon which affects the economy critically in Ethiopia. It harms economic growth and welfare, macroeconomic stability, and income distribution. Despite the huge capital... Read more »

 ATEX, a boost for intra-Africa trade

African countries should use the innovative Africa Exchange Trade Platform (ATEX) and boost digital trade in critical commodities under the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). ATEX is a digital business-to-business (B2B)... Read more »

 Remarkable progress achieved in Ethiopia’s economy amid challenges promising to catch prosperity

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) attended the 6th round of the 4th regular session of the 2nd year of the House of People’s Representatives to respond to the questions... Read more »

 Developing mega projects for viable growth, change

BY MENGESHA AMARE Numerous development undertakings have been run at national level in Ethiopia since the advent of the recent reform. The case of the grand Abay Dam and its timely filling... Read more »

 A technology symposium promoting country’s minerals

BY BACHA ZEWDIE The mining sector is one of the five main sectors that the government has identified as the pillars of Ethiopia’s economy in its ten-year perspective plan for homegrown economic... Read more »

Addressing the financial, investment challenges

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS The Ethiopian financial sector is facing various challenges but three of them are the major ones. As it is known, since the down fall of the imperial regime, the... Read more »