Restoring infrastructure, rehabilitating displaced people in war-torn areas-issues of concern

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU Beyond fatalities and physical injuries like amputation of limbs and injuries left victims for age long disability, psycho-trauma, war has another legacy that cripples economy, devastates infrastructure facilities, and... Read more »

Wheat production: A radical change from import to export

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU The museum of Africa depicts the inundated natural resources of the continent has been exploited by colonizers, and this evil deed made Africa unable to cope with the pressure... Read more »

Intensifying honey production for job creation, nutrition

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS The honey production and business does not require large areas of land and huge labor. However, if attention is paid for honey production, realizing job creation and balancing diet... Read more »

 What does Private sector do for a national progress?

BY MENGESHA AMARE Being home to close to 120 million population, Ethiopia is the second most populous nation in Africa next to Nigeria, and still the fastest growing economy in the region.... Read more »

FDI inflow to Ethiopia during the war, after the CoHA 

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU As one can see it from the perspective of diversity in terms of climatology and nation settlement, Ethiopia is not a mere nation; rather it is miniature representation of... Read more »

Reviewing the land tenure system for better use of the resource

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS In one occasion, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) said that the first person who raised the slogan known as “land to the tiller” was Baro Tumsa the renowned political... Read more »

supportive mechanism to the government expenditure

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS In the countries which built advanced economy and other developing countries, capital market plays key role as a source of finance. For long, many professionals in the macroeconomic field... Read more »

Economic emancipation matters the most

BY MENGESHA AMARE Homegrown economic reform is unequivocally of instrumental in helping Ethiopia declare independence and bring about sustainable growth. That is why the government is these days well capitalizing on reinvigorating... Read more »

 Influx of digitization in Ethiopia: new trend of business dynamics

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU Human being has passed through situations and precarious circumstances to cope up with nature. It devises mechanisms to overcome complication it encounters. The very visionaries are always change challenges... Read more »

 Diaspora community’s unfettered support to the nation’s peace accord

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU Throughout history, citizens of a given nation have been defending their country no matter what happened. People even go to the extent of sacrificing their lives to defend their... Read more »