COVID hit companies hard. Why some kept their sustainability commitments and others didn’t

Covid-19 has had profound implications for the “role of business in society”. One of them is the pandemic’s effect on companies’ sustainability strategies. These are efforts to avoid companies’ harmful impacts on... Read more »

Biodiversity treaty: The root causes of nature’s destruction

A major biodiversity conference, recently concluded in Montreal, Canada, was billed as the event that will decide the “fate of the entire living world”. All well then that the meeting closed with... Read more »

Reaping the bounties of Belg in Ethiopia

BY MENGESHA AMARE Not only does Ethiopia enjoy seasoning thirteen months of sunshine but it has also possessed a number of periods which help farmers produce crops twice or thrice even beyond.... Read more »

Multifaceted challenges, reciprocal measures of the construction sector

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS In the construction industry misunderstanding has been rampant between the contractors and owners of the projects. Breaking contract between the two entities is common as a result of the... Read more »

Tapping river potentials in Ethiopia

BY MENGESHA AMARE Where are Ethiopia’s rivers? For how long is the country dependent on rain fed agriculture? These questions can be well answered when the country is in a position to... Read more »

Project eyeing decent jobs for unemployed citizens

BY GIRMACHEW GASHAW Ethiopia is taking a series of measures which are aimed towards reducing unemployment and improving productivity. To this end, the agricultural sector has been given an emphasis, especially focusing... Read more »

Mining: A way to build sustainable
economic development

 BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU The continent of Africa is endowed with numerous natural resources that the world can rely on. Most of the raw materials that the world has been using are from... Read more »

Anti- corruption move in its historic perspectives, measures of mitigation

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS  During the imperial and the Derg era, corruption was not reached to the level as witnessed today. But no one can deny that various crimes were committed in those... Read more »

‘Homegrown assets to build unwavering home’

BY MENGESHA AMARE Nothing is more interesting and gratified than being self-sufficient and proud of onself to lead a happy life. When such a majestic look and cordial status has stepped to... Read more »

DBE effort in boosting lease finance product to benefit customers to improve quality of productivity, mechanization

BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME Lease financing is a contractual agreement between the asset owner and the user of the asset in which the owner allows the other party the right to use the... Read more »