The bank industry in Ethiopia:Bright hope for entrepreneurs

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU Along with maintaining law and order government is incumbent upon devising sound and convenient policies prioritizing the economic sector. Documents from the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) revealed that... Read more »

Mobilizing investment for development, real change

BY MENGESHA AMARE If the public sectors in collaboration with private ones in a given country can fuel investment and entrepreneurship targeting at creating more jobs and increasing income of the poor,... Read more »

Raising the transaction value of land for better exploitation of the resource

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS According to the fundamental economic principle, land is one of the economic components and when it is combined with capital and labor creating wealth will be realized. In Ethiopian... Read more »

 Viable means for augmenting  crop production

BY MENGESHA AMARE Agriculture in Ethiopia has long been exercised as the majority of the population in the country has deepened on this traditional and pertinent sector. The country has nowadays embarked... Read more »

Ethio-telecom: As a cornerstone to realize digital Ethiopia

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU Nature depicts that sometimes bad things happen for better changes. Most dreadful challenges can be employed as a window of opportunity that brings change to the way how things... Read more »

 Financial institutions work closely with NBE for better economic developmentv

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU In recent few years, the financial sector has become the central point in order to achieve better results. As of the emergence of the banking system, people have developed... Read more »

 Linkage among manufacturing industries boosting investment

 BY BACHA ZEWDIE Debre Birhan Regio-politan City, which has become one of the main investment destinations that have attracted the attention of investors in Ethiopia, its investment success can be a role... Read more »

New impetus for economic, social transformation

BY MENGESHA AMARE Cognizant of the fact that declaring an economic sovereignty, economic independence interchangeably, is of a viable password to be well respected and preferred, the recent reform administration in Ethiopia... Read more »

 Summer wheat: ‘Food for us, feed for our animals

BY WORKU BELACHEW Farmers at Hagere Mariam Wereda, North Showa zone of Amhara state, are filled with hope and optimism after engaging in a new farming scheme that could possibly raise their... Read more »

Strengthening Micro Finance Institutions through raising their paid capital

 BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS The Ethiopian National Bank has continued to take measures to strengthen financial sector and introduced new instruction that micro finance institutions to enhance their capital amount by seven fold.... Read more »