Amalgamated elbow grease to get rid of poverty

BY BACHA ZEWDIE Being a developing country, Ethiopia is eying various sectors to transform its economy in the way it benefits the amassed citizenry thereby making poverty an ill wind. Though myriads... Read more »

Nurturing biodiversity for economic progress

BY MENGESHA AMARE Cognizant of the fact that human race can rescue and/or destroy the planet earth, a range of activities have been running in such a way that can robust the... Read more »

Watershed development for livelihood enhancement

BY MENGESHA AMARE In developing countries such as Ethiopia where the majority of the population is engaged in livelihoods largely dependent on the natural resource such as agriculture, factors like quality, availability... Read more »

 Horticulture: A gear shifter for agricultural success

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU It is believed that Ethiopia has not used its untapped potentials to the fullest in the past many years. A number of actions were taken especially to upgrade nation’s... Read more »

Telecom operators assist financial sectors, step forward to realize digital Ethiopia

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU In the current understanding of the world and how things are performed, the essence of performing ones daily chores by the help of technology has become a trend. In... Read more »

 Garnering benefit out of apparel industry

BY MENGESHA AMARE If someone is asked about what entails the process of taking raw materials like cotton or wool and spinning it into yarn and ultimately create a fabric, appealing clothing... Read more »

 Greenhouse marketing effectiveness to reward forest preservers

BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME It is clearly known by many that Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. Hence, it is named as ‘greenhouse’. The main greenhouse gases are carbon... Read more »

Realm of achievement by self-made women amid worrisome

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU There are untold but interesting episodes that grab attention arouse imagination and stroke emotion in all endeavors of life as one turns pages of histories. For most known human... Read more »

Germany’s expo in Ethiopia to share experience, create B2B network

BY DANIEL ALEMAYEHU It is the fact that countries have been using multiple ways to make themselves known to the world. Bringing their best experiences, nations can attract what they want from... Read more »

International rules’ supplementary role in improving Ethiopia’s labor rights

BY FIKADU BELAY The history of Ethiopia’s workers and employers has been a long one, just like the country’s civilization. By following a basic approach that is a gear changer, there has... Read more »