Optimistic expectation from the awaited constitutional interpretation

Since the preparation, of the National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE), for August election has been abandoned due to the spread of coronavirus, the politicians are more divided and consistently treating each... Read more »

Gebrehiwot Baykedagn: Ethiopia’s first development thinker

 “When the property and the knowledge of a people increases, the government’s policy and wealth parameters also increase.As the knowledge and wealth of people develop, the governments’ instruments of policy implementation acquire... Read more »

Water: Ethiopians’ source of survival

Being a basic need to sustain life, water lost its value compared to the value of supplementary needs like gas. Though it covers three fourth of the crust of the earth and... Read more »

Young inventor helps Ethiopia’s COVID-19 crisis

Inventors in Ethiopia have been developing devices and gadgets to combat COVID-19. One of them, Ezedine Kamil, has told DW how a lack of funding prevents his designs from fully benefitting local... Read more »

Working at home as a better option

Once an office secretary, Muluemebet Gebresilassie was able to make a big step forward to be owner of the first beauty and spa service in the country, which is a rare and... Read more »

People nurture the culture of helping each other

The world is facing an unprecedented level of challenge that has implications in political, economic and social spheres. In response to that the world community is undertaking equivalent response. Among that is... Read more »

Shonkie: An ancient village with original features

 Shonkie, an Argobba community village in Dewachefa district of Gidota Kebele is located 25 KM’s East of Kemise, the zonal administration town, Oromia zone located in Amhara region. It is estimated to... Read more »

Advantages of Ethiopian children traditional games

Games are among the most effective tools for keeping relationships fresh and exciting. Playing together brings joy, vitality, and resilience to relationships among groups particularly children. In this regard, Ethiopian children have... Read more »

IMF approves US$411 million in emergency assistance to Ethiopia to address COVID-19

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia is facing a pronounced economic slowdown and an urgent balance of payments need owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. To address this urgent need, the IMF approved US$411 million... Read more »

The need to liberalize telecommunications services, infrastructures

It was on October 2018, the government of Ethiopia announced its decision to proceed with the privatization and the liberalization of the Ethiopian Telecommunications Sector. The objectives of liberalizing the telecom sector... Read more »