Menagesha Suba Forest, the oldest forest in Africa

Menagesha Suba Forest is located in Oromia State, especial zone of Wolemera and Sebeta-Hawas woreda, far some 35 km from South -West of Addis Ababa, touching upon 10 different kebeles. As sources... Read more »

Restaurant Review: Mamma Kitchen offers a taste of Ethiopia

“We have never been to Ethiopia,” said just about everyone in Radford. But now you can have a little taste from this eastern African country courtesy of Mamma Kitchen. We began researching... Read more »

Chinese traditions a key factor in its COVID-19 victory

“As you drive into the city in the dead of night with the lights on, it’s a ghost town,” recalled Dr. Bruce Aylward of virus-hit Wuhan during a nine-day field investigation into... Read more »

Saving the travel, tourism sector from the influence of Covid-19

Following the restrictions of movement due to Corona (Covid-19), the tourism sector has significantly been influenced. In this regard, the outbreak of the pandemic has caused havoc across the tourism activities globally.... Read more »

Airline’s act of putting travelers’ safety first

The Ethiopian Airlines has been implementing all the recommendations of WHO and other Global Health and Travel, regulators. As international travel plan is interrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ethiopian is offering... Read more »

Consolidating women’s courage for freedom via economic benefits

 In the 18th century, the Gurage ethnic had a biased culture that dominates women in their marital life. The culture obliged a woman to be unable to marry anyone after her husband... Read more »

Historical heritages in Dessie manifest Ethiopian rulers’ keen for technology, civilization

Dessie is a multi-ethnic city located in the north-central part of Ethiopia on the road from Addis Ababa-Mekele in the South Wollo administrative Zone of the Amhara State. And it has many... Read more »

The impact of COVID-19 on tourism sector

At the global level, the tourism sector is currently one of the hardest-hit by the outbreak of COVID-19 with impacts on both travel supply and demand. This represents an added downside risk... Read more »