Ethiopia: “The cradle of mankind”

 BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME  Ethiopia is home to the oldest remains of human beings ranging from Lucy to the recently discovered Selam. Particularly, the lower Awash and Omo valleys are the epicenter of... Read more »

Dassanech: A tribe with breathtaking customs

The Dassanech community is located about 28km from the Kenya border at the very south of Ethiopia, in the Southern, Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ State. For the lives of the Dassanech community,... Read more »

Ethiopia in the eyes of award-winning American journalist and documentary filmmaker

BY LEULSEGED WORKU He had been here in Ethiopia for about ten years. As an African American journalist, he has a great passion for Ethiopia and its socio-cultural practices. Unlike other biased... Read more »

Konso: A land with distinctive traditions and practices

BY STAFF REPORTER                                                         The Konso people, residing in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ State, about 600 kms south of Addis Ababa, are known for their distinctive religious and cultural traditions including... Read more »

Ethiopia: A land of fascinating history and culture

 COMPILED BY STAFF REPORTER The land we know as Ethiopia has a long, complex, fascinating and reasonably well-documented history, during which time it was mostly known as Abyssinia. That its history is... Read more »

Ethiopia: A truly unique country

COMPILED BY STAFF REPORTER With more than 80 ethnic groups, Ethiopia is a home to several ethnic groups who have their own untouched indigenous cultural values and traditional rites. The Mursi and... Read more »

Accommodating the interest and norm of local community to conserve sanctuary

Senkele Wild Life Sanctuary is located in Oromia state West Arsi zone Siraro district at 305 kms South of Addis Ababa. The Sanctuary covers an area of 54 square kilometer; and it... Read more »

The nation’s beauty of cultural costume

Ethiopians have varieties of occasional costume. The traditional clothes are colorful and magnificent. Blue, white, red, yellow, black, red and combination of these colors provide beauty to the clothing of the nation.... Read more »

Arsi Mountains National Park: The most attractive park

Arsi Mountains National Park is a newly established (2011) national park located in Oromia State, southeastern part of Ethiopia. The park consists of four fragment blocks that are no longer connected to... Read more »

Conserving Abijatta Shala Lakes: A dual target hitting means

Ethiopia has myriads of lakes and rivers with significant ecosystem services and biodiversity contribution. Rift valley lakes which are found in central Ethiopia are the most common lakes that have been contributing... Read more »