Things everyone must know about Ethiopia

Compiled by LEULSEGED WORKU Ethiopia is everyone’s homeland Going to Ethiopia is kind of going home, as archaeological digs increasingly trace and link this area with the birth of humans, where the... Read more »

Dendi Lake, Mount: The most captivating area

BY STAFF REPORTER Dendi Lake Rockshelter is situated about 100 km southwest of Addis Ababa on the west-central part of the Ethiopian Plateau in the Ginchi Woreda, in Oromia State. The dumbbell-shaped... Read more »

Wof Washa Forest: Unexplored natural asset

COMPILED BY STAFF REPORTER Set high in the mountains of Amhara State, just 130km north of capital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s oldest state forest, Wof Washa (meaning Bird Cave Forest), is diverse in... Read more »

Yesterday’s sacrifice, today’s pride

BY SOLOMON WASSIHUN  Probably, it could be the most-watched live event of this month broadcast around the world.-the second impeachment trial of the former US President. One of the impeachment managers making... Read more »

Institutionalizing legacies of Adwa to build better future

 BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU As we turn the page of history, the Victory of Adwa appeared to be one of the most precarious battles that changed the attitude and psychological makeup of the... Read more »

Coffee Ceremony: An integral part of Ethiopian culture

COMPILED BY STAFF REPORTER Ethiopian coffee is regarded to be one of the best coffees in the world due to its strong, rich taste and aroma. Ethiopia is also regarded as the... Read more »

An exotic rock-hewn church, Adadi Mariam

 COMPILED BY BETHELEHEM BEDLU Adadi Mariam Rock –hewn church, which is one of the few rock hewn churches in the southern part of Ethiopia, is located at the distance of 73Kms from... Read more »

Community who do not name their children up to three

COMPILED BY STAFF REPORTER The Borena people live in Kenya and Ethiopia. In Borena culture, naming a child just as it is born is not an accustomed culture of the community. Rather... Read more »

Shonke, the 900-year-old Ethiopian village

COMPILED BY STAFF REPORTER “A city that is set on a hill”, a verse in the gospel of Matthew says, “cannot be hidden.” That was an ethical reference, but about 2,500 miles... Read more »

Conserve nature, save ecosystems, prevent biodiversity loss

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU Gedeos save nature as it saves them in turn. The Gedeos’ Agroforestry put in place environmental protection, preserving the ecosystem. Trees are more than anything. A son has to... Read more »