Leadership accentuated by success stories (Given to Ethiopia in the person of our Premier)

Of late, the Ethiopian Premier Dr. Abiy Ahmed had won the African Leadership Magazine Persons of the Year award fair and square considering the spectrum of fructifying outcomes he has been registering... Read more »

Does replacing Ethiopian currency notes help arrest political instability?

As the rumor mill suggests, as a means to thwart political booby-traps, fueled by corruptionamassed money, as well as tackle economic hurdles, the government is due to replace its currency notes. However,... Read more »

Research center unveils specialized cereal species

ADDIS ABABA—Mokoni Agriculture Research Center has announced that it has discovered crop types which could thrive in swampy and drought-prone areas of the state. The center has deployed 40 researchers to farmers’... Read more »

Agreement between Ministry, Agencies vital for boosting economy 

ADDISS ABABA—the agreement signed between Government Developmental Agencies and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs would be important to ensure smooth relationships and enhances productivity of organizations. Speaking to the Ethiopian Herald... Read more »

Construction of Agro-industry parks proceeds at a good pace

ADDIS ABABA- The construction of agro-industry parks is picking pace in the four states,disclosed Ministry of Trade and Industry(MoTI). As to Mulugeta Adimase, Agro processing directorate expert, Agro processing sectors is among... Read more »

The dance of a slain hen

Drawing lessons from wrong turns and dead set at bringing down the curtain on the revolting history of tyrants and lechers that had been cold-bloodedly wreaking havoc and mercilessly sponging on the... Read more »

Revolving Fund shoring up youths’ inclusive benefits: Agency

ADDIS ABABA – The Youth Revolving Fund has been effectively circulated to shoring up the youth wide-ranging benefits, addressing unemployment rates, and mobilizing and inspiring the youth to put their maximum efforts... Read more »

Better to teach how to “fish” than to feed

The government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has recently announced its plan of making the country self-sufficient in wheat production by the year 2022. No matter how the plan appears to... Read more »

COP 24 ends in success  Ethiopia plays active role in stepping up actions on climate negotiations

ADDIS ABABA – After two weeks of disputatious climate talks, negotiators from 196 countries and the European Union countries agreed on the Katowice Climate Package; implementing the Paris Agreement, which combines a... Read more »

Ethio-Eritrea Air Resumption brings economic change Aviation creates over 15,000 jobs

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian Civil Aviations Authority said that the recently resumed Ethio-Eritrea air transport service has made significant contribution for the overall development of the countries’ national economy. EndeshawYigezu, Air... Read more »