Constitution in the eyes of legal experts: Merits, demerits

BY MENGESHA AMARE  For long, the Ethiopian Constitution has been at the heart of hot debates attracting approvals and disapprovals across the aisle. And, this time the argument has only gone fiercer... Read more »

“The fugitive TPLF Junta was not party of reform,” Zadig Abreha Minister in Charge of Democratization

BY GIRMACHEW GASHAW Ethiopia’s political culture has been short of the basic ingredients of democracy and remained largely unreformed. It failed to transform itself for years. One of the best indicators in... Read more »

Strong solidarity between Ethiopia and India

 BY ROBERT SHETKINTONG AMBASSADOR OF INDIA  At the very outset, I would like to wish all sisters and brothers in Ethiopia and those belonging to the Christian faith in particular, a joyous... Read more »

Participating youth: Fostering Tigray rebuilding

BY MENGESHA AMARE  A number of years have lapsed since the youth population in Tigray state shouted to overtake the state with fresh mind and get it well developed in all aspects.... Read more »

Ballot without the bullet

BY MENGESHA AMARE Though being the right tickets for holding offices and assuming powers, elections, in most of the developing world, are not only unfair but usually appear chaotic and even deadliest.... Read more »

Free elections, politically diverse parliament

BY SOLOMON WASSIHUN Even though it is has been heavily depleted after I witnessed their shameful biased coverage of the Tigray law enforcement operations, my respect for the BBC is still huge.... Read more »

Celebrating Christmas with victories in rule of law and unity

BY SOLOMON DIBABA Ethiopian Christmas also known as Genna or sometimes as Lidet meaning birth day is celebrated on the 7th of January or Tahisas 29 according to the Ethiopian calendar which... Read more »

Cairo’s blame shifting game in Ethio-Sudan border skirmishes

BY HAILE DEMEKE Egypt over the past days has been acting weirdly and trying to give wrong impression of the recent tensions unfolded along the Ethio-Sudan border. Ironically and in an act... Read more »

Probing Mai Kadra’s massacre also falls on ICC’s jurisdiction

BY GIRMACHEW GASHAW  People usually grapple with post massacre traumas and they find it extremely unbearable to cope up with the pains. In fact, those who lose their lives in massacre or... Read more »

Saddened by the past, Tigray Diasporas optimist on rosy future

BY MENGESHA AMARE As the law enforcement operation in Tigray State came to an end successfully, people from every corners of the country have started breathing a sigh of relief since. And,... Read more »