How civil are Civil Societies?

BY YESUF ENDRIS Easing or removals of draconian laws have been among the major tasks of Prime Minister’s Abiy Ahmed’s leadership since assuming power. Over the two and more years, various laws... Read more »

Fair delivery of COVID-19 vaccines for developing countries

BY DARGIE KAHSAY A year after the outbreak of COVID-19, there comes a new hope for the world population as developments of vaccines for the deadly pandemic is becoming real. Following the... Read more »

Instituting human rights behooves consorted efforts

BY GIRMACHEW GASHAW  Ironically, the universally agreed human rights are being infringed universally. There remains a sharp contradiction between the rhetoric and practices of human rights. The scale of abuse and the... Read more »

6 Lessons on energy decarbonization from countries leading the way

Getting to a net-zero-carbon energy system is essential. It will be a major effort, one that requires significant investment in new low-carbon infrastructure, from renewable power plants to electric vehicles, efficient appliances... Read more »

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: The Making of the Second Adwa

BY AYELE BEKERIE (Ph.D.) In 1896, Ethiopia registered one of the most decisive victories in the world at the Battle of Adwa by defeating the Italian colonial army. As a result, Adwa... Read more »


On his famous book “The Animal Farm”, George Orwell describes injustices, inequalities, unfairness and even selfishness amongst society using the animal kingdom as an example. On that book, the leader of the... Read more »

How the Asian Era is achieved: What the African continent can learn

Background: Asia is currently the most populous (more than 4 billion people) and spacious (45,000,000 km2) in the world. The biggest continent incorporates 55 nations and boosts a population density of 100... Read more »

Only through solidarity, cooperation we can defeat COVID-19

On June 17, the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity Against COVID-19 was held while the global battle against corona virus is at a critical moment. This Summit was a joint initiative between... Read more »

Enough is enough: No more leeching off the Nile

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is a project associated with the wider economic implication to Ethiopia than it is to Egypt. This is mainly due to the little energy production capacity... Read more »

Impact of COVID-19 on the regular health services in Africa

Health professionals should take the lead in promoting the resumption of the regular health services by taking the standard precautionary measures at all instances Is it the direct or the indirect damage... Read more »