Glancing Ethiopia’s tourism potentials

Ethiopia’s status of the oldest independent country in Africa helps the presence of undisturbed historical sites and cultural practices. Ancient hill tribes, wild forest areas, gushing rivers, and depressions filled with active... Read more »

Making the most out of corporate social responsibility

It is to be recalled that in my previous article entitled ‘Feeling at home in China’, I have explained the whole lot in black and white pertaining to the friendly reception and... Read more »

Ethiopia: In the eyes of foreign tourists

No one can counter-argue in that Ethiopia, the country which should have been amid the top tourist destinations in the globe had unfortunately been labeled by the majority of the international community... Read more »

Hadiya Garad: Home-grown ruling

In Africa, time-tested social, economic and political wisdoms destroyed as a result of the colonial rule which lasted for almost a century. Consequently, indigenous system of administrations had left all the spaces... Read more »

‘Provisions in Draft law give new lease of life to CSOs’

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed appointed Jima Delebo as Director General of Charities and Societies Agency since last Oct.29. He said he has no affiliation with any political party and his assignment... Read more »

Agency aims to bridge internal loopholes ahead of new CSO law

ADDIS ABABA–Charities and Societies Agency plans to curb its organizational turnover and fulfill required resources to efficiently oversee Civic Societies (CSOs) ahead of ongoing revision of CSOs law, expected to ease restriction... Read more »