Cultural relations and cooperative partnership across borders

The very old friendship and cooperative relationship between Ethiopia and Morocco is moving to new levels of practical cooperation, from the political to the economic sphere of partnership. The Ethiopian Herald recently... Read more »

Principles on how the media should report GBV

  In this contemporary world, Gender Based Violence (GBV) is becoming critical and attracting the media everywhere in the world. However, the media should consider the way they report it and conduct... Read more »

New influx of refugees to Ethiopia

The Administration for Refugees and Returnees Affairs’ (ARRA) report shows that there are over 900,000 refugees in Ethiopia sheltered in different parts of the country. Ethiopia is the largest refugee hosting country... Read more »

Ethiopia’s human rights situation improving

No doubt that it is a human being that violates human rights. Maltreatment of human rights has been among the concerns on the table of politicians, human rights activists, non-governmental organizations and... Read more »

Election Strategy for the Opposition

One Ruling Party Vs Numerous Opposition Groups In Ethiopia the ruling party EPRDF will have been in power for nearly three decades by the time the next general election is due in... Read more »

Addis and its magnificent tourist sites

Addis Ababa was founded as the official capital city of Ethiopia in 1886 during Emperor Menilik II. As 2008 Ethiopian Statistical Agency report, it became the home of 3.5 million Nations, Nationalities... Read more »

The path towards integrated and peaceful Africa

Of late, Tibor Nagy, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs arrived in Addis Ababa for a three-day visit that will include the engagements focused on the United States’ relationship... Read more »

Ending violence against women

Sexual violence against women continues to be pressing social challenge. It has a devastating impact on women’s lives. The Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) claimed that it was a particularly unkind... Read more »

Axum, an open air museum

Axum, the city in northern Ethiopia, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities since 400 BC, is known for being one of the four ancient origins of world civilizations. That seems why... Read more »

Glancing Ethiopia’s tourism potentials

Ethiopia’s status of the oldest independent country in Africa helps the presence of undisturbed historical sites and cultural practices. Ancient hill tribes, wild forest areas, gushing rivers, and depressions filled with active... Read more »