Sharing the happiness of a spring season

How Ethiopian and Chinese people celebrate the coming of spring season In China the month of February ushers in the onset of spring season that replaces a snow ridden cold summer. The... Read more »

While restituting, more focus on heritage inventory

Cultural and historical artifacts looted and stolen from Africa have made great deal of museum collections in destination countries, often without recognition to the origins. Most Ethiopian artifacts were looted during the... Read more »

Wisdom in the shade of a tree—Yejoka

Ethiopia is land of origins and diversity. This truth is manifested when one looks into the traditional system of social administrations long-exercised by various communities. In a series of articles The Ethiopian... Read more »

In Ethiopia, education knows no boundaries

Forced to flee their home, school, and all things familiar – this is the reality of a young refugee or displaced person. Once in a new place, they sometimes have access to... Read more »

Expanding anesthetic care in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Association of Anesthesia (EAA), in collaboration with Ministry of Health, Regional Health Bureaus (RHB), Jhpiego, an international nonprofit health organization as well as different universities, hospitals, and stakeholders, has been... Read more »

Brave heart, ready to give back

The campaign to curb expansion of HIV/AIDS requires every sect of the communities’ and stakes collaborative work. The very epidemic and incurable nature of the virus demands all inclusive effort. Following the... Read more »

Robust CSOs, multifaceted national reform

Civil societies play tenacious role to bridge loopholes in societal, economic and environmental spheres especially by taking role in highly studied and community oriented mobilizations. Civil societies, relying on their deep rooted... Read more »

Ensuring quality education, augmenting competency

The tool that is employed to sharpen the generation in a direction to be utilitarian for the nation on top of benefitting themselves is education among others. This essential sharpener of human... Read more »

Status, convergence of fine arts in Ethiopia

Without a shadow of a doubt, Ethiopia owns quite a lot of well-known painters all over the country. More than eighty ethnic groups live happily under the umbrella of the great Ethiopia... Read more »

The art of painting in Ethiopian churches

Historical documents reveal that the art of painting in Ethiopia dates back to the pre-Axumite Empire. There were stone-inscribed pictures since the D’amat empire, which flourished before the Axumite Kingdom. Nevertheless, paintings... Read more »