Working harmoniously, ensuring quality education

Ensuring quality, fair and accessible education aiming at creating qualified, skilled and ethically fit human power is not only the mandate of government’s higher educational institutions, but also private institutions, said Dr.... Read more »

Terrorism in the March to Freedom

1 Introduction: Historically, and even today, terrorists get organized to shake a political party or a government or a social institution and achieve power or influence within a society. As a stepping... Read more »

Strong laws, enforcement mechanism to control tobacco

According to 2016 Global Burden of Disease (GBD) research, more than 16, 800 people die in Ethiopians per year by non communicable diseases in connection with tobacco, says Sisay Derso Communicable and... Read more »

More adult education for economic, social progress

Adult education is the practice of teaching adults between the ages of 15 to 60 year. It has been practiced across the world for generating well literate and skilled work force in... Read more »

Art for social cohesion

Art molds and guides the world. Art is at the epicenter of mankind development. Art enables us to go beyond the boundaries of what we currently know or think. It is the... Read more »

St. Stephen, Thomas of the Abyssinians: The churches of Ethiopia in Rome

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and Ethiopian Catholic Church Archbishop Cardinal Berhana Eyesus has recently visited St. Stephen of the Abyssinians (also called Santo Stefano degli Abissiniby Italians), an Ethiopian Catholic church... Read more »

Cultural values: Bed-rock for national unity and prosperity

There is wisdom in every culture. The ancestors of human being were handcrafters, innovators and hunters using stone cutting edge. Then it transforms into harvesting crop with traditional mechanisms. Agriculture was the... Read more »

World Heritage, the Obelisks of Axum under critical condition

Sources indicate that the kingdom of Axum (Aksum) had developed a distinctive architecture exemplified by giant obelisks, the oldest of which date from 5,000 to 2000 BC. The northern stelae field contains... Read more »

Timeless deed: The best way to glorify humanity

It was around 7 pm at night when we arrived in Debre Markos city, Amhara State. After 15 minute, my colleague and I were knocking someone’s door at Kebele Five. Recently, this... Read more »

Saving Crippled Higher Learning Institutions

There is a thick cloud when one talks about the weather regarding the Ethiopian higher learning institutions, HLIs. Universities by their very essence are meant to be venues where scholars, would be... Read more »