Immigration and some of its implications

Introduction:- In the age of globalization it is believed that cultural differences across the world have been greatly reduced. But, it has also made the recipient people to be upset when meeting... Read more »

 Citizens’ interest in getting safe, quality, efficient health treatment

Hewan Yeseph, a resident at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is suffering from ‘stroke’, a non-communicable disease which is commonly caused by high blood pressure. Life is becoming too difficult for her because she... Read more »

 Architectural lens to memorize martyrs

On 19 February 1937, Italian Fascism showed its darkest face. Following the unsuccessful attempt o the life of Graziani by two young Ethiopians, Abraha Dabochand Mogos Asgadom, a reign of terror was... Read more »

 The cave dwellers

Molalle cave is one of the astonishing natural tourist attractions in Choke landscape. It is found in East Gojjam, Bibugn Woreda, Waber kebelle. The eye-catching cave is found 61 kms away from... Read more »

St. Paul Hospital’s exemplery services

It is now a day to day trend for people to travel to high-quality medical service provider countries seeking medical care and treatment. Particularly, in a situation where they are tied up... Read more »

Curbing mental health problems

There are too many challenges in life which we do not wish them to be; but we cannot control them. The greatest thing, however, is the strength put forth to respond and... Read more »

Legalizing national hospitality culture

Since the seventeenth century, Ethiopians have developed the culture of humble hospitality. At that time Ethiopians welcomed the companions of Prophet Mohammad who escaped from their homeland in searching of a bastion... Read more »

Let us defeat terrorism before it defeats us!

What It Is Perhaps the most convenient way to define terrorism would be to break it up into its various attributes. First of all, terrorism is a mindset or outlook as well... Read more »

Ray of hope for street children

Children are gifts of their parents and they are adornment for their home. Grown ups feel good when they spend time with children, who are innocent by nature. People derive satisfactions from... Read more »


There are more than 440 historical places/buildings have qualified to be registered as heritages in Addis Ababa, according to Addis Ababa Culture and Tourism Bureau. Of them, 17 Museums, 320 historic houses,... Read more »