Keep Walking: Upgrade, do not degrade

“Having bigger plans that could bend our shoulders, we will push forward to realize the renaissance of this country.” Once said the then Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. This was the principle accepted... Read more »

 Addis Ababa adding new features to raise its standard

Addis Ababa City Administration has on Thursday inaugurated a 2.5 billion Birr River Side Rehabilitation Project which is an initial phase of the 29 billion Birr worth grand level project initiated by... Read more »

 Experience teaches language better

Experience is a great life guide as it gives guide and even it is the source of all knowledge, as Albert Einstein ones said, “The only source of knowledge is experience.” In... Read more »

 Floating together

Roughly, Ethiopia and Eritrea were robbed of their twenty years. This is not to paint their separate progresses in dark ink. But their possible cooperation and opportunity of floating together was barred... Read more »

Investing in tourism infrastructure

  Considering the potential, there is a huge prospect for Ethiopia’s tourism industry to become one of the major contributors to the economy. But, it must be spearheaded by all stakeholders’ efforts... Read more »

Keep walking; your coffee is cold scared

  When we accomplish something worth to celebrate, some terrible reality could sneak around to ruin the joy. In such situations, those who choose to remain calm and optimistic may not suffer... Read more »

 Harnessing Entoto’s tourism potential

The sunrise that peak into the historical beauty of Addis Ababa that mount Entoto offers plus the panoramic view of Addis Ababa, create a fascinating feeling which makes beholders to cherish the... Read more »

 The role of art in nation building

Sources indicate that artists can lead, follow, uplift, provoke or promote thought-provoking skills on society with their artistic works. As repeatedly expressed, artists are the most important members of the society for... Read more »

 High profile international names in Addis Ababa

International names were in Addis Ababa last week for a different purpose.First, FIFA President Gianni Infantino officially opened FIFA’s third African Regional Development Office in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia last week Monday. Same... Read more »

 Ensuring lasting peace via all-rounder efforts

Aimed at strengthening the effort to ensure lasting peace in the country, the Council of Ministers has ordered the draft bill that requests the establishment of two commissions namely reconciliation and, identity... Read more »