Ministirri Muummee Doktar Abiyyi ji’oota 18 keessatti badhaasota 15 argatan

Doktar Abiyyi yeroo aangoo ji’oota 18 keessatti badhaasota 15 argataniiru. Isaanis: 1. African Garand medal, 2. Golden Plate Award, 3.African leader ship magazine person of the year,4.Chatam House,5.UNESCO peace Prize, 6. Katarian Award, 7. Peace National Award UAE, 8. Peace Prize process Award,9. Nishan Award From Saudi Arabia,10. PHC Leader ship One by one, 11. Media House Award, 12. World Tourism Award 13. Hessian Peace Awardiifi 14. Kan Dimokraasii Afrikaa 15. Badhaasa Noobeelii ammaa kana injifataniiru.

Gaazexaa Bariisaa Onkololeessa 1/2012

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