Last Sunday, the Office of Prime Minister had organized a 5 million Birr fund raising dinner party with the aim to financing ‘Beautifying Sheger Project’

It has become long since Addis lost its previous neatness and pure climate. However, it is not too late to restore its pride. It is a collective responsibility of everyone to keep the climatic equilibrium of our environment. “Dine for Sheger” is part of the synergy principle where everyone will leave his/her mark behind.

The dinner party, “Dine for Sheger” is not organized to please the ruling party or the government. It is organized with the aim of making Addis green and clean as its name imply. Our forefathers have passed down us a green Addis. It is the responsibility of this generation to deliver safe and green city to the future generation. The time is now to clean and green the capital and make it the source of pride and dignity for all- Ethiopians, Africans and the international community.

The Ethiopian Herald May 22/ 2019

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