Council Of Ministers approves AntiTerrorism Law

ADDIS ABABA (FBC) – The Council of Ministers in its 68th regular session held last Saturday, May 18, 2019, approved the antiterrorism draft law developed to prevent and control terrorism. The new law was drafted by the Federal Attorney General office of Ethiopia to protect the peace and security of the people and the government from the threats of terrorism. Moreover, it was developed to fill the gaps in the previous anti-terrorism proclamation No. 652/2009, said a statement issued by office of the Prime Minister.

After a detailed deliberation and with some amendments, the Council referred the draft law to the Parliament for approval. The Council also sent the bill drafted by the Ministry of Revenue and Finance to amend the Value Added Tax proclamation to the parliament for approval. It also decided the agreements signed for gold, copper, and silver production between the Ministry of Mines and Energy and Tigray Resources Incorporate PLC to come into effect.

The Ethiopian Herald May 21/ 2019


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