Let us cooperate to change the narratives on Addis

Last February, a 29 billion Birr mega project, initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and aimed at making Addis Ababa green, clean and a worth living city and more sustainable by developing the river banks’ of the city, was launched. The three phase, three- year project, ‘Beautifying Sheger Project’ is said will run along the two biggest rivers of Addis Ababa, develops green spaces by the side of the 56 kms, all the way from the mountains of Entoto through the Akaki River.

 When completed, it will elevate the image and potential of the city by allowing a site of urban tourism and creating riverside economies enhance the well-being of its dwellers and enable the country realize a green economy through the expansion of green spaces. Addis Ababa though is one of the world’s largest diplomatic hubs, the headquarters of the African Union, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and a number of foreign embassies and missions, regional and international organizations.

It is also a historic city where Africans witnessed the unification of all Africans. The capital is not only for Ethiopians, but also Africans and international communities. Thus, to make the city the source of pride and dignity for everyone, be it Ethiopians and foreigners, the government has set out a grand project which is realized by the support of all Ethiopians from all walks of life and international partners. For this to happen, a five million Birr (per person) dinner program with the Premier is organized.

It is clear that the government by itself cannot finance and realize this historic project. Rather, it requires the concerted efforts and engagement of all actors to join hands and stand by the sides of the government in every possible ways.

Following the call, including local governmental and nongovernmental organizations, countries, individuals, foreign companies, heads and members of the diplomatic community based in Addis Ababa, have shown keen interest to take part at the fundraising dinner, ‘Dine for Sheger’- and put their fingerprints on the historic project designed to change the face of the capital.

So far, among others, the African Development Bank (AfDB), 600,000 USD; the Government of Italy, 5,000,000 Euro; UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), 1,000,000 USD and UN Development Program (UNDP) 1,000,000 USD, have contributed for the project. We are extremely grateful to all our supporters for their generosity and prompt response.

The little effort everyone exert, be it financially, technically, professionally or in any other forms can count and help to produce results as intended. ‘A leader is not one who makes the farthest strides to the front but one who brings everyone along to the desired destination.’ Thus, let us stand together and build the best image of Addis Ababa jointly.

The Ethiopian Herald, May 15/2019

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