Ethiopians have age old cultures, values, customs and norms which tie them more tightly to live with strong solidarity, unity and cohesiveness. This has been attested in various incidences in both good and bad times, particularly to defend the country from external forces.
In fact since recent times, this amicable culture was being eroded due to various reasons including political discourses.
According to Tegberu Yared, General Director of Social Resource Building and National Consensus Directorate with Ministry of Peace, Ethiopians have a lot of shared history and values that tie them for long and enabled them to live harmoniously.
More than all, their perpetual love for their country and their firm stand towards national pride compelled them to sacrifice their lives enthusiastically irrespective of gender, ethnic and religious diversities.
He underscored that to defend the country from external invaders all Ethiopians, irrespective of any differences, had died for their country valuing the greatness of paying sacrifice to honor national pride and interest. Among the common events which Ethiopians stood together irrespective of any differences, the Battle of Adwa is the one, he stressed.
However, these days some differences are witnessed due to misinterpretation of history. To address the problem of misunderstanding the history, Ministry of Science and Higher Education has been working to curb the problems related to the issue. Among the measures that have been undertaken to remedy the problem, revising the curriculum of history teaching material for students of higher education entitled Module for History of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa is the one.
Professor Hirut W/Mariam Minister of the Ministry on her part said that history should not be a cause of conflict rather it should be an instrument that enables the new generation to learn social, economic and political experience from his ancestors through understanding their success, strength and failures. “And if we want to utilize our history in a proper way, it can be a source of self-confidence for us.”
She noted that as Ethiopia is a country that has a longstanding history it has a lot of wisdom that can serve as a conduit to further strengthen the nation’s togetherness.
She underscored: “As we educate history to learn from past, be it good or bad, we need to emphasize on parts that can build the nation and enhance national consensus.”
She stated that to ensure the inclusiveness and impartiality of the module the Ministry involved scholars from all nations and nationalities as well as from all religious groups. And the module gone through different evaluation stages and enriched through the comments obtained from historians and other scholars in discussion and other mechanisms.
She stressed that scholars need to discharge their responsibilities in searching and digging out hidden histories.
As to her, history experts need to establish an association for history mentioning that still now, in the country there is no association of history professionals, like other associations it should exist to transfer history from generation to generation in professional ways.
She vowed that for the establishment of the association, the Ministry will provide all necessary supports.
The Ethiopian Herald March 4/2020