Int’l organizations hail Ethiopia’s anti-doping movement

ADDIS ABABA – International organizations appreciated Ethiopia’s anti-doping efforts and achievements registered within a short period of time.

Director General of Ethiopian National Anti-Doping Office (ETH-NADO), Mekonnen Yidersal, briefed journalists that Ethiopia has strong relationship with concerning international organizations. And, these international organizations audited the whole activities of Ethiopia and appreciated the achievements. “They are also working to share Ethiopia’s experiences to other countries.”

He said that Ethiopia is leading anti-doping movement in Africa. In last July’s Africa Anti-Doping Forum, experiences of Ethiopia have been shared with other African countries.

According to him, international organizations have great trust on Ethiopia’s anti-doping activity.

 “We are also working cooperatively with different countries on anti-doping activities. Among the countries that are expanding partnership programs are Spain, Turkey and Bahrain. In addition to these, many countries are asking us to work cooperatively in the area,” he noted.

Furthermore, several works – precondition works, capacity building, training, awareness creation, diagnostic and control, strengthening international relationships – are undertaken by the ETH-NADO, he noted.

More than 700 diagnosis samples were sent to the laboratory. About 422 samples were sent out of competition and nearly 300 samples were sent during competition, he said, adding that administrative measures were taken against three people who were found guilty of violating the law.

The office is working with FDRE’s Ministry of Education to include anti-doping issues in Ethiopian education curriculum, according to him.

The Ethiopian Herald September 21/2019


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