From promise to practice: A journey of continuous success

Perpetrating the unbearable massif in the natural course of carrying out multifarious activities, the Prosperity Party (PP) has been undertaking numerous meaningful social, economic, cultural and even political endeavors amid sporadically or recurrently happened aspects in some parts of the nation.

As a national party with a wide base taking control of the federal government, PP has been recording remarkable outcomes in due course of bringing about national unity, fraternity, societal amity and peaceful coexistence.

Recognizing the fact that not keeping a promise is tantamount to self-disrespecting, citizens belittling, overlooking national pride, PP has been working from dawn to dusk to prettily translate words into practical actions thereby helping the nation overcome all sorts of hurdles and making real difference in all aspects.

All regional states have developed commitment and diligently undertaken activities via working together under the umbrella of an all-inclusive central government as equal partners.

The PP could be the political force that Ethiopia has long been waiting for to start its social, economic and political transformation. If the party continues doing things in such a way, it could be a new vessel for the political elites to consolidate their power, the establishment of the PP could be a cornerstone in Ethiopia’s journey towards becoming an enviable democracy where its diverse peoples live in peace, unity and prosperity.

Due to the various changes, miraculous strides on which the country is being on board, the effort of the nation to make unthinkable possible, among others, have to be regarded as the remarkable fruits of the Prosperity Party. The gaps in the functioning of young democracy in the country are being met as PP is relentlessly working against the negative attitudes, futile attempts and dividing narrations for the sake of the growth of the nation.

This fruitful Party has to be well supported and nurtured as it is of paramount importance in pushing the nation steps forward and leads all missions of the country into fruition.

The main contribution of the grand congress held recently lies in enhancing mutual trust between/among parties and strengthening politicians’ awareness of the value that parties have to add to a democratic society via providing them with a feasible podium.

At the same time, societal trust in political parties needs to be strengthened by organizing joint projects between parties and civil society actors and increasing interfaces between politicians and citizens, thereby strengthening the potential for enhancing public accountability in Ethiopia and other countries.

Thanks to the uninterrupted success in marshaling the mass community PP has recorded, the new trend and trajectory the nation has been trekking has been a bright guide since its inception.

To think about keeping promises in a party practice, PP is expected to start well identifying faintness and reinvigorating strengths recorded so far. When a certain body/party personally promise to take care of something, the population promised expects it to follow through. Absolutely, this builds trust when promises are consistently made and kept.

The key to positioning to keep promises is to realize that it is the expectations that are set that often determine how a person feels about a particular interaction.

The point is to keep and make promises real would be a viable source of real change and national pride. Hence, the party is expected to work more with a view to making and keeping promises towards the final goal—sustainable national development .

In sum, the party can set itself up for success by avoiding circumstances precluding the nation from attaining its targets. Building in a buffer to maximize chances of delivering on what the party promised whenever possible needs to be well hammered. Undeniably, the very essence of integrity is the ability to make and keep meaningful promises, and translate it into practice.


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