There is something I learned in life… and it is expecting people to like you all the time are useless.
In my naive state of mind I used to care a lot about what others think of me. It is a big deal when they disagree or dislike something I care about.
Now that I think of it… it is their brain right not mine?… so why am I really obsessed about what they think?
They can disagree all they want, it is their right but it is not going to affect me like it used to.
And I also stopped being clingy to avoid moments of loneliness and embraced it. If I am not sure I will have a quality time with a person I will not even bother engaging in small talks.
This personality of mine came after many trail and errors… mainly identity crisis.
I used to repel the idea that I was an introvert and try so hard to be like the extroverts I see… I use to envy them. Later I realized that my behavior is also perfectly fine… I just had to accept it.
When I started writing I discovered my inner self that is beautiful and worthy and it just needed my approval.
So expecting people to like you or agree with you is a waste of time. Instead find what really makes you happy in life and go for it!